My Legal Aspirations

For as long as I can remember, the legal field has always fascinated me. While my friends watched sitcoms and cartoons, I chose to watch courtroom dramas and real life trials unfold. There was never really any question as to what I wanted to be when I got older. The only profession for me was that of a trial lawyer. Unfortunately, a serious car accident several years ago changed all that. Now, my injuries prevent me from leaving my home most days. However, my love for the law has never went away. While I may not be able to realize my dreams of becoming a trail lawyer, I still wish to help people with their legal problems. That is why I decided to start this blog. It is my hope that the information contained in these pages will help other accident victims like me when filing their personal injury claims.

Tattoo Injuries: Can You Hold The Tattoo Parlor Responsible?


As the numbers of people who have tattoos increase, so do the number of related legal issues. Tattoos can lead to health issues that are sometimes directly related to the actions of the tattoo parlor. If you are thinking of filing a lawsuit because of health problems you suffered as a result of getting a tattoo, here is what you need to know. 

Why Is the Tattoo Parlor Liable?

Personal injury law is based on the idea that one party had the responsibility to ensure the safety and health of another. If the party fails to do this, the injured party can claim that negligence was the cause of the injury. For instance, if you get a tattoo in a parlor and suffered an injury because the tattoo artist failed to use a clean needle, you could claim negligence. 

Tattoo parlors have a lot of legal responsibilities. Although some of those responsibilities might vary by state, there are some generals standards that must be met. In most states, tattoo parlors and artists are required to:

  • Question whether or not you are 18 years of age or older
  • Display health certificates
  • Use clean needles
  • Wear gloves during the tattoo
  • Provide clear after-care instructions

If the tattoo parlor failed to follow any of the standards set by the state, it is potentially liable for the injuries that result. 

How Can You Prove Negligence?

Proving that a tattoo parlor or artist behaved in a negligent manner can sometimes be difficult. It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish whether the tattoo parlor caused your injuries, or if you were responsible. For instance, if you suffer an infection after the tattoo, the tattoo parlor and artist could argue that you did not follow the after-care instructions given and you caused your own injuries. 

There is also the issue of the waiver. Most tattoo parlors require that a waiver is signed that absolves them of responsibility if an injury occurs. Depending on the state in which you live, you could face difficulties in overcoming the waiver. Your state might choose to consider the waiver on a case-by-case status. 

How you prove your case is highly dependent on the facts of your case. For instance, if you contracted hepatitis due to the artist using dirty needles, you could provide testimony from your doctor that regardless of how well you cared for the tattoo, you would still have hepatitis. 

If you believe that you have a case, talk to a personal injury attorney from a firm like Denali Law Group. The attorney can help you understand how your state's laws apply to your situation so you can build your case.


22 June 2015