My Legal Aspirations

For as long as I can remember, the legal field has always fascinated me. While my friends watched sitcoms and cartoons, I chose to watch courtroom dramas and real life trials unfold. There was never really any question as to what I wanted to be when I got older. The only profession for me was that of a trial lawyer. Unfortunately, a serious car accident several years ago changed all that. Now, my injuries prevent me from leaving my home most days. However, my love for the law has never went away. While I may not be able to realize my dreams of becoming a trail lawyer, I still wish to help people with their legal problems. That is why I decided to start this blog. It is my hope that the information contained in these pages will help other accident victims like me when filing their personal injury claims.

Two Questions You May Have About Your Coming Deposition


When you have been injured and file a lawsuit, you may not realize the numerous steps and tasks that you will need to complete throughout this process. In particular, a deposition is often a scary and stressful event for first-time plaintiffs to go through, but it is an essential part of the legal process. Not surprisingly, if you have never had to attend one of the proceedings, you probably have a couple of questions about it.

What Is The Purpose Of This Lengthy Questioning?

When you are scheduled for a deposition, you should plan on it taking a while to complete. You can also expect to be questioned by numerous individuals over the course of this process. While some of the questions will come from your attorney, the defense will also be given an opportunity to question you. It should be noted that all of these questions are administered under oath, and you must answer them truthfully. 

The purpose of this grueling examination is for both sides of the case to get an official statement on your part, and for preliminary questions to be answered. While this process can seem intimidating, your attorney will be with you throughout the process, and you should not be afraid to look to them before answering a particularly difficult or complex question. 

What Should You Expect During The Deposition?

There are few things about your case that will cause more stress than anticipating this questioning session. Yet, your attorney will help ensure that you are prepared for many of these questions. For your attorney's questions, you will likely be told well in advance of what they will be, and this will give you time to think about your answers for them. 

However, there is no way to know what the opposing side will ask. These questions may not even pertain directly to the case at hand. For example, they may want to know your entire medical history, and while it may seem odd for them to want information from before the accident, this is entirely within their rights. Your attorney (like Greg S. Memovich) can likely tell you what questions are most likely to be asked based on their experience in these matters, but you should always prepare a response, with your attorney's help, for questions that you are not prepared to answer.

Depositions are essential for the functioning of the legal system, but they can be a terrifying experience for first-time plaintiffs to go through. By understanding these two answers for these commonly asked deposition questions, you will be better able to represent your side of the case during these events. 


11 February 2015